77 level, the websites offered information in 13 areas: diagnosis, current treatment options, latest research and new treatments, symptoms and side effects, monitoring treatment, clinical trials, complementary medicine, pain management, communication, psychological and social support, parenting issues, hospice and end of life care, and advance directives. Print materials (excluding those from pharmaceutical members) were appraised for the extent and quality of MBC content. Videos and webinars were not assessed. Thirteen organizations were sent an online survey to capture information about helpline/hotline services; 8 organizations completed the survey. The survey participants are provided in Appendix 7. A top-line review of 10 publicly available surveys and 4 proprietary reports provided by Alliance members was undertaken to identify continuing themes, recent trends, and new gaps in information. Preliminary findings were discussed with Alliance members in a meeting in New York City on March 3-4, 2014.