47 As seen in Figure 7, the MBC Grants Dataset was composed predominantly of basic research grants (69%), 24% represented translational research, and vastly smaller percentages were grants for clinical research (6%) and cancer control research (1%). These percentages did not vary substantially across the time studied. Only 41 grants in the MBC Grants Dataset were related to MBC survivorship and outcomes research (includes projects both wholly and partly related to survivorship and outcomes research). A review of these grants revealed that they are focused on bone pain, behavioral–psychological factors, and treatment side effects relevant to MBC. Information on the molecular targets, cellular pathways, and therapies being studied was also extracted and captured from the MBC Grants Dataset. As Appendix 3 shows, a wide range of molecular targets are being pursued (estimated at >200).The most common targets in those projects with a clinical focus are ErbB/HER, vascular endothelial growth factor (VEGF) pathway family, bone/osteolysis pathways, hormone receptors, and immune system (general). BASIC 66-72% 69% avg. TRANSLATIONAL 22-26% 24% avg. CLINICAL 5-9% 6% avg. CANCER CONTROL: 1-2% 2000 – 2013 100% 0% 50% Figure 7: Stages of Research in the MBC Research Grants from 2000–2013