Breast Reconstruction Using Implants

Breast reconstruction is a significant step in the physical and emotional healing process for many individuals who have undergone mastectomy or lumpectomy due to breast cancer or other health conditions. Rearrangement of the tissue frequently involves doing a breast reduction or breast lift in Portage, MI or breast lift in Atlanta, GA after the tumor has been removed. The healthy breast is often reduced or lifted as well so that the two sides match.

One common method of breast reconstruction like this breast reconstruction in Wellington, FL is the use of implants. This article provides an overview of the procedure, the types of implants available, the recovery process, and potential risks and benefits.

Breast reconstruction such as these breast augmentation in Exton, PA and breast augmentation in Chicago, IL using implants is usually a multi-step process performed by a plastic surgeon like Finesse Cosmetic Surgery or Zormeier Cosmetic Surgery & Longevity Center. The procedure typically begins with the insertion of a tissue expander beneath the chest muscle after the mastectomy. The expander is gradually filled with saline over several weeks or months to stretch the skin and create a pocket for the implant. Once the expansion process is completed, the expander is replaced with an implant in a second surgery. Alternatively, some patients might be candidates for direct-to-implant reconstruction, where the implant is placed at the time of the mastectomy.


Types of Implants

There are two primary types of breast implants: saline and silicone. Saline implants are filled with sterile salt water, while silicone implants are filled with a silicone gel. Both have specific advantages and potential drawbacks. Saline implants, when ruptured, are generally considered safer as the body can naturally absorb the saline. However, silicone implants often provide a more natural look and feel. A newer type of silicone implant, known as a “gummy bear” implant, maintains its shape even if the implant shell is broken, adding an extra level of safety.

Recovery Process

The recovery process following breast reconstruction like this breast lift in Denver, CO varies greatly among individuals, depending on factors such as age, overall health, and whether or not additional cancer treatments are required. Post-surgery, patients usually stay in the hospital for one to two days and can expect to return to normal activities within six to eight weeks. Regular follow-up appointments with the plastic surgeon are important to monitor the healing process and the implant’s condition.

Potential Risks and Benefits

As with any surgical procedure, breast reconstruction using implants carries some risk, including infection, bleeding, changes in sensation, implant rupture or leakage, and the need for additional surgery. There is also a chance of capsular contracture, where the scar tissue around the implant tightens, causing discomfort or changes in the breast’s appearance.

However, the benefits for many patients outweigh these potential risks. Breast reconstruction can significantly improve self-esteem and body image following a mastectomy. It allows individuals to regain a sense of normalcy and wholeness, contributing to their overall quality of life.

According to experts like Ver Halen Aesthetics and Plastic Surgery – breast augmentation, breast reconstruction using implants offers a promising avenue for patients seeking to reclaim their physical form post-mastectomy. It is a personal decision that should be made in consultation with a trusted surgeon like Maryland Plastic Surgery, taking into account the patient’s individual needs, lifestyle, and health considerations. As surgical techniques and implant technology continue to advance, we can expect to see further improvements in outcomes and patient satisfaction in the field of breast reconstruction.