We Won’t Stop Until Breast Cancer Does
Join us for the Madison Metastatic Breast Cancer Conference and get the most current information on treatments, research trials, patient support and national issues for metastatic/stage IV breast cancer (MBC).
We’ll cover the latest news in metastatic/ stage IV breast cancer and bring national experts to learn about treatment advances, clinical trials and national advocacy issues for metastatic breast cancer. The conference is open to breast cancer patients of any stage and subtype and their caregivers as well as health care professionals.
[maxbutton id=”41″ url=”http://southeastwi.info-komen.org/site/DocServer/MadisonMetastaticBreastCancerConferenceAgenda.pdf?docID=19195″ text=”VIEW THE AGENDA HERE” ]
[maxbutton id=”41″ url=”https://secure.info-komen.org/site/Ticketing?view=Tickets&id=24343″ text=”CLICK HERE TO REGISTER” ]