Komen offers conferences and events across the country to educate, empower and connect
metastatic breast cancer patients with information, resources and others in the MBC community.
Programs offer topical discussions specifically for people with MBC and their loved ones.
“What’s Driving Your MBC”
Hosted by Komen North Carolina Triangle to the Coast
Presenters: Lisa A. Carey, MD, FASCO and Carey K. Anders, MD
Learn about what genetic differences researchers at the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill have discovered between primary and metastatic breast cancer in the same patient. Researchers from Duke University will also share findings on why tumors develop resistance. Learn how studying the similarities and differences between the original breast cancer and metastatic tumors will help personalize the treatment of patients with MBC and hopefully lead to cures. This important research, which can lead to advancing treatments for MBC, relies on patients who volunteer to donate their tumor tissue to benefit others and maybe even themselves.
[maxbutton id=”46″ url=”https://whova.com/portal/registration/mcpsp_202009/” text=”CLICK HERE TO REGISTER” ]
Mark your calendar for all six of the 2020 MBC Series Events!
Dates and times subject to change.
You only need to register once for all six events – a reminder will be sent before each event.